ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â, home to a global collection of primetime television shows that explore design, featuring the designers who bring ideas to life.
New York
New York ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â is a TV Series all about New York innovation, ingenuity and design excellence. It’s about inspiration, disruption and changing the game!
ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â, home to a global collection of primetime television shows that explore design, featuring the designers who bring ideas to life.
ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â: Our Mission
Design is beautiful, creative, inspiring and has the power to change lives. ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â uncovers the key components of impactful design. The collection of series speak to the beating heart of design, encompassing concept through to realization and featuring a range of industry leaders, from Industrial Designer to Architect. ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â highlights innovative humans, whose creative vision shapes the world around us.